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作为网站所有者或网站管理员,你肯定听说过移动优先索引. 这个简单的短语是迄今为止搜索引擎优化领域最大的转变之一,它推动了企业想要在自然搜索中有效竞争的网站和平台的空前数量的改进.

In this short article, McCann Connected’s Organic Search Director, Radek Kowalski 提供了一份有用的清单,列出了你的网站应该做和不应该做的事情,这将帮助你确保你的网站具有竞争力. But before we dive into it, let’s quickly guide you through the history of this major update and what it means.

As of July 2019, 谷歌默认为所有新网站启用了移动优先索引(无论它是作为一个新项目推出的还是突然被谷歌发现的). Any existing websites, particularly the older ones, are monitored and assessed. 一旦谷歌决定你的网站准备好了,他们将通过搜索控制台提供自定义消息直接通知网站所有者. Historically, 谷歌主要使用网页内容的桌面版本来评估网页与实际用户查询的相关性. Now with the update in place, 谷歌bot primarily crawls and indexes pages using its smartphone agent.

在这个阶段还需要澄清的是,没有一个单独的移动优先索引. 谷歌搜索继续只使用一个索引,并将显示最适合用户的URL, whether it's a desktop or mobile URL, in the SERPs.

现在我们都跟上了移动优先索引的更新,让我们进入该做和不该做的. 以下是您应该遵守的最重要的更新和最佳实践列表, section by section:


1. Publish the same content on mobile and desktop sites. 你的移动网站必须包含相同数量和质量的无差别的内容在你的移动和桌面网站,当运行单独的移动和桌面url或运动自适应的一个. 线框图和内容数量的差异是很常见的,如果不仔细复制到手机网站上,你所有的内容优化努力都会付之东流.

谷歌 is quite specific about this and has issued a warning to site owners: “如果你的意图是手机页面的内容应该比桌面页面少, 当您的站点启用移动优先索引时,可能会出现一些流量损失, since 谷歌 can't get as much information from your page as before.”

2. Keep robots annotations in the source code. 当你的网站启用移动优先索引时,谷歌可能无法抓取和索引你的页面,并且你在页面级别区分你如何使用元机器人的标签. 确保在源代码中以类似的方式在桌面和移动url之间保留这样的注释,注意“noindex”或“nofollow”。. If t在这里 is a difference t在这里 it can seriously impair your ranking efforts.

3. Allow 谷歌 to crawl your resources at all times. 阻塞资源url将不可避免地导致谷歌无法正确构建DOM(文档对象模型)并呈现您的页面. 如果您使用单独的url甚至平台跨设备提供页面,这种情况可能会特别严重. A key checkpoint 在这里 is to check your Robots.txt file to ensure you're not blocking the URLs with the disallow directive.

4. Use the same page titles and meta descriptions. 你正在优化页面标题标签和改进你的元描述来吸引用户和提高点击率吗? 如果是这样,请确保在使用不同的url或自适应代码时,两个版本的网站的描述性标题和元描述是相同的. 这是一种常见的情况,即桌面版本获得了高水平的优化,而移动版本却在忙碌的更改中被遗忘了.

5. Ensure structured data is present. 随着谷歌不断强调结构化标记的重要性,这有助于它提高对内容和数据的识别, make sure the same structured data is present on both versions. 确保将移动版本上结构化数据中的URL更新为正确的移动URL等价. This one is particularly easy to miss and requires more technical experience. Luckily 谷歌 came up with a range of really cool tools like Data Highlighter 或其 Structured Data Testing tool w在这里 you can happily conjure and test any type of data and formats you wish.  


1. Ensure you don't lazy-load primary content upon user interaction. Deferring loading of non-critical or non-visible content, also commonly known as "lazy loading", 是一种常见的性能和UX最佳实践,但如果你滥用它来帮助谷歌定义页面的价值和目的的重要页面内容,你将陷入麻烦. Here you can find best practices on how to fix lazy-loaded content.

2. Get image sizing right. Don’t use images that are too small or have low resolution on the mobile site. 确保您提供了一个高质量的页面,而不是过度膨胀的大小,以保持页面加载时间最少.

3. Don’t forget to optimise ALT text across all platforms and URLs. 确保移动站点与桌面站点具有相同的图像ALT文本. 像在桌面网站上一样,在移动网站上使用描述性ALT文本. This often gets forgotten by editorial and dev teams w在这里 mobile URLs (m.) get canonicalised to their desktop equivalent.

4. Don’t differentiate error page status based on device and user agent. If operating with separate URLs set up, don’t differentiate error page status based on device and user agent. 可以保证在桌面站点提供正常内容而移动站点是错误页面的情况下, this page will be missing from the index. 再一次。, 由于大多数编辑团队在处理内容时使用桌面设备,因此请确保定期抓取和比较错误代码.

5. Link between mobile and desktop rel=hreflang URLs separately. Last but not the least, don’t forget that when you use rel=hreflang link elements for internationalisation, you need to link between mobile and desktop URLs separately. Simply speaking your mobile URLs' hreflang should point to mobile URLs, and similarly desktop URL hreflang should point to desktop URLs. 在移动版和桌面版之间正确使用rel=canonical和rel=alternate链接元素,这一切都将为您创造奇迹.

如果你想详细了解最佳(和最差)实践,你应该看看这些非常全面的实践 mobile-first indexing best practices for developers.

最后 ... migrate to a responsive platform! It will save you loads of headaches, will be loved by editorial teams and it’s becoming a strong, official recommendation from 谷歌’s own John Mueller (@JohnMu) as a preferred web platform set up.

有关移动优先索引的更多建议或帮助,请联系McCann Connected团队 在这里.

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