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二级建筑波特兰街117-119号现在将被重新构想为一个以创新为主导的商业工作中心,并成为波特兰街合作的中心枢纽 & wellness with several new amenities

该项目进一步巩固了该公司支持英国科学的承诺, technology and innovation sectors, following its additional £500 million of investment

英国最大的专业房地产平台,服务于国家知识经济的增长, Bruntwood SciTech – a joint venture between Bruntwood, Legal & 通用和大全球最大的博彩平台养老基金-已获得全球最大的博彩平台市议会批准,对其位于全球最大的博彩平台市中心的波特兰街117-119号历史建筑进行改造计划. 

这个耗资600万英镑的项目将使这座二级保护建筑成为全球最大的博彩平台创新区——牛津路走廊的门户,这里具有前瞻性, 以创新为主导的企业可以激发他们的创造精神,并从全球最大的博彩平台大学和全球最大的博彩平台城市大学的高技能人才中受益, research opportunities, finance and mentorship, 以及在Bruntwood sciitech的英国范围内的1个社区内广泛的合作机会,100 start-ups, scale-ups and global businesses. 

Bruntwood sciitech的一部分,由翻新的维多利亚式仓库组成, the workspace will be a central hub for collaboration, wellness and events, 为建筑内的企业和附近的波特兰街113-115号创造了一个充满活力的社交社区, 127 Portland Street and Oxford Place.

The 35,波特兰街117-119号将被翻新成一个多空间的工作空间, providing a mixture of offices for up to 80 people ranging from 1,200 to 6,200 sq ft, offering a range of options and flexibility for businesses as they grow, particularly those working in the creative, tech and media sectors, where they can weave creativity with community. 

Nine workspaces will also be created which will all be fully fitted, and include a kitchen, meeting room and breakout areas, allowing new customers to move straight in once the works are complete, which is anticipated to be in Spring 2025.

The innovation hub will retain many of its original features, such as exposed bricks and beams, while offering high-quality workspaces with warm, 纹理内饰-向其丰富的历史致敬,并为企业成长和繁荣创造一个鼓舞人心的空间. Dating back to 1886, the building was formerly home to Schill Seebohm & Co shipping merchants, 谁卖全球最大的博彩平台制造的纺织品,并把它当作仓库来展示, sell and ship their goods. 

最先进的共享设施和便利设施也将被纳入波特兰街117-119号的新外观,作为重新构想地面和下层的一部分, including breakout spaces and lounge areas, an on-site gym, boutique gym-quality shower and changing facilities, and an auditorium for events.

Bruntwood科技公司还将提高这座历史建筑的可持续性, 将其带入现代时代,并增强其对越来越多寻求具有强大ESG资质的工作空间的企业的吸引力. 为了支持该建筑在公共区域的零运营,该建筑将完全电气化, 通过新的空调和新的空气源热泵提供供暖和制冷. Additionally, new LED lighting will be installed throughout, 二次玻璃将最大限度地减少热量损失,二氧化碳监测和混合模式通风将改善空气质量,最大限度地提高能源效率. The building is targeting a minimum EPC B rating, a significant accolade for a Grade II listed building. 

Richard Roper, Associate Director - Asset Management for Bruntwood SciTech, 他说:“获得波特兰街117-119号的规划批准标志着我们计划的下一个令人兴奋的阶段,我们将加强和改善整个全球最大的博彩平台市中心的工作空间, 在哪些地方,我们已经在校园和其他城市中心的创新中心进行了重大的新开发, such as Pall Mall, King’s House, No.3 Circle Square, Citylabs 4.0 and Greenheys at Manchester Science Park. 

“我们在波特兰街的建筑群处于独特的位置,成为牛津路走廊和我们市中心创新中心之间的连接枢纽, 进一步支持企业进入全市创新生态系统. 这个城市的基石一直缺乏投资来创造激发合作的工作空间, 创造力和独创性,并提供志同道合的社区联系, so we hope to deliver that at 117 Portland Street.” 

These plans, 同时宣布重新开发附近的国王大厦和帕尔美尔街, 这是布朗伍德科技公司自2023年10月宣布再提供5亿英镑资金以支持科学发展以来对全球最大的博彩平台的最新承诺, technology and innovation sectors, and welcomed Greater Manchester Pension Fund (GMPF) to the joint venture. 现在是服务于英国创新经济的最大的专业房地产平台, Bruntwood sciitech的目标是在全英国范围内创建一个价值50亿英镑的投资组合,以支持2,600 high-growth businesses by 2032.

波特兰街117-119号的Bruntwood sciitech的代理商是Canning O 'Neill和Savills,主承包商是CubicWorks. Advisors on the plans are AXI (architects and interiors), Kaizen Consulting Engineers (MEP), Deloitte (planning and heritage), Bespoke Fire Engineering (fire engineer), DW Consulting (structural engineer), 声学(声学师)及楼宇管制(楼宇管制).  

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